Hummingbird Feeder – An Update

As I did not know whether there is a difference, I did some research and was quite overwhelmed by what the experts thought. They stated that the glass feeder is easier to keep clean, but if it falls, it usually breaks. The plastic feeders can last for years, but can be difficult to keep clean.
Let us look at the beginning. Laurence J. Webster of Boston designed the first hummingbird feeder in 1928. When National Geographic ran an article about the newly invented feeder showing photos of hummingbirds at the feeder, it sparked an interest in hummingbird feeders. Since then hummingbird feeders are sold everywhere and people enjoy watching these tiny birds.
The “experts” have different opinions about what the perfect feeder is and whether they should have perches or not. People also feel it is important where to hang them.

What did I observe over a couple of weeks? First, I was amazed how quickly the hummers found the new feeder, although they did not prefer it to the old one. I noticed that some individuals seem to prefer to hover and others to sit on the perches when they drink. Before they do so, they often sit on nearby branches and scan the area before drinking. Both feeders offer different sitting possibilities, which are used.

Before we put up a camera, we did not know that yellow jacket bees and hummingbirds fight over the feeder.